About Us
The people who literally wrote the book on neurofeedback training.
NewMind Technologies offers neurofeedback technology, one-on-one training, personalized support and access to a peer community of professionals working in brain training. Our neurofeedback hardware, software and unique home-training model are simple, flexible and affordable to get clinicians up and running easily, grow their practices steadily, and generate a return on their investment quickly.
Published by NewMind
An introductory perspective on the emerging application of qEEG in neurofeedback.
Correlating qEEG and oxidative stress.
By Soutar, R., Hopson, J. & Longo, R. | 2017
Asymmetry as a reliable measure of adult anxiety and depression.
Mentoring for neurofeedback certification: A guide for mentors and mentees.
Mindfitness training: Neurofeedback and the process.
Methods in the social sciences: A critique of positivism. Doctoral Dissertation.
Holistic Neurointegration: The New Mind Model.
Meet Our Founders
Our Mission
NewMind Technologies is a company built by and for mental-health clinicians who want to grow their neurofeedback therapy practice without growing their office space.