Picture of Neurofeedback Provider talking to their client
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Guided Home Training

Simple to use, clinician guided, neurofeedback training at home. Administer and monitor all home training sessions on a live, real-time, dashboard.

Blue background image design for website

Grow your office without growing your office space

Designed for the future of Clinical Neurofeedback. Whether your clients are remote, pressed for time, or have limited mobility; NewMind Home Training can help you accommodate their needs.

Image of screen shot of the Neurofeedback client report.

Simple and intuitive interface

Tracking progress and getting connected are just a few clicks away.

  • Track Progress: Client receives friendly prompts to complete their progress trackers. Customize their questions in theirs NewMind Maps profile.

  • Get Connected: Rest easy knowing your client can easily get properly connected.

Empower your clients

NewMind Home Training provides you with a customizable view of the client interface which helps guides them through the home training process.

  • Includes Real-Time Artifact Rejection: Ensures that brainmap assessment results are not negatively influenced by artifacts.

Image of Neurofeedback report
Image of a Neurofeedback client report

Monitor Sessions and Results from Anywhere

  • Monitor Sessions Live: Track all of your clients simultaneously from anywhere.

  • Send a Message: Give your clients feedback to read before they begin or pause a session and provide feedback during a training session.

  • Custom Protocols: Choose and modify our recommended protocols or create your own.

Powerful Training Controls

Customize settings for each client.

  • Feedback: Turn on screen fading audio fading or both.

  • Training: Clients can easily access videos or music on their home computer.

  • Session Results: Turn on or off a clients ability to view session results after training.

Image of a Neurofeedback Software Report
Has your clinic
benefited from
Home Training?

Explore More Tools


A Functional Neurofeedback System

A simple yet comprehensive system for assessing your clients to provide a full understanding of your clients’ conditions and contributing factors.

Image of a brain map report for a client.


Simplified Software

Train your clients in your clinic or remotely, in their home. Keep your clinic moving efficiently with NewMind’s easy-to-use neurofeedback training software.

An image of Neurofeedback Report

Ready to get started?

Schedule a consultation with one of our teammates